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From the Parent's Desk: Michelle Smith

Michelle Smith, a very active parent at Lankenau High School, shares her thoughts on why family engagement is so important - especially at the high school level.


It gives me great pleasure to share my role and experience as part of the Lankenau Environmental High School Home and School Association (HSA)/Student Advisory Council (SAC). Over this 2016-2017 school year, it was my goal to become a part of daughter’s educational development as a junior at Lankenau, a small high school with just over 332 students.

Her junior year was going to be a challenge because a few new things were happening: a new principal and her best friend was transferring to a new school in another state. With change comes difficultly adjusting to school and learning for teenagers. It was my desire to become a part of her education to encourage and motivate. I was encouraged by one of her teachers to become a member of HSA.

When the year began I actively learned my role as the HSA Vice President. Attending meetings, staying connected to the School District for updates. Volunteering became my responsibility every Monday and Tuesday. I became a member of a team, an educational team, with the Lankenau staff. Our team consisted of the principal, the dean, the roster chair, the English teacher and myself.

This was our principal’s first year with us as a leader and I wanted to help make this a very successful year. Principal Levinson explained that the SDP introduced a new School Advisory Council policy, and he encouraged me to join. Our goal was improving the culture and environment of our school. I also became a member of a “task team” to hire new teaching staff for the coming 2017-2018 year.

Since becoming a member of the HSA/SAC my daughter’s grades have changed tremendously. Her attitude towards going to school and studying has changed. I have seen her growth, and how it stimulated my child’s education because I am involved in the HSA/SAC. I learned being a part of HSA and SAC is vital towards education. It promotes harmony and unites development of the physical, mental and spiritual growth of all students and staff. I’ve connected with students through improving the culture of the high school lifestyle.

This year has been one of the most rewarding and positive effects for me and my daughter at the high school level. While parent engagement and participation may be a struggle at the high school level, parent engagement and active participation is vitally important towards growth and development for all students.

Parent involvement is important! It begins at the child’s pre-school and kindergarten years, and should continue through all years of education. As I have shared at meetings and conferences, parent involvement is vitally important from kindergarten well into high school—especially in high school because this is when they need us most.

Our role as parents is to promote, encourage, guide, develop, motivate, mentor and mold the minds of our students. As active and engaging parents, volunteering one day at your child’s school will vitally make the difference for your child physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Volunteer to become a member of the School Advisory Council (SAC). It helps improve your child’s learning!


Michelle D. Smith, VP Home and School Association

Vice President of School Advisory Council

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Office of Family and Community Engagement

The School District of Philadelphia

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