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Announcing Our First Annual End-of-Year School Advisory Council Awards!

We’re excited to announce our first annual End-of-Year School Advisory Council Awards! Think Oscars, think Golden Globes, think BET Awards, think Grammys—but bigger!

We know how difficult building a SAC can be, so we want to recognize YOU, our amazing, dedicated, creative, and enthusiastic SAC members, for all the hard work you’ve put into supporting and improving our schools this year!

Know a stellar SAC member? Work with a principal who deserves praise? Think you've got the best School Advisory Council in the entire city?! Nominate your friends, principals, students, or your entire SAC for an award. There are three Award Categories:


This award will recognize that SAC member who has gone above and beyond to organize the SAC—maybe they’ve built the SAC from scratch, brought in new members, or created detailed agendas for each meeting. This person has been there through the thick and thin of SAC—they’ve gone to meetings consistently and have been essential to the SAC’s success at the school.

This person can be a parent/family member, community member, student, teacher/staff member, or principal on the SAC. You are also welcome to nominate yourself!


This award will recognize a school principal who has demonstrated genuine interest in and support of the SAC at their school. Despite their insanely busy schedule and stressful day-to-day responsibilities, this principal has made a concerted effort to build up their school’s SAC and give families a voice in the school.

Only principals will be considered for this award.


This award will recognize the School Advisory Council that is a “standout” in the city—they have a robust group of consistent and enthusiastic members, the principal is involved in the group, and they have made real change happen in their school. This SAC is exceptional and a “best practices” model for other SACs in Philadelphia!

Any District-run public school SAC can nominate themselves for this award.

Awards will be announced at our End-of-Year Family Celebration at 440 N. Broad on June 8. For questions, please contact Shannon O’Brien at

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Office of Family and Community Engagement

The School District of Philadelphia

440 N. Broad St., Suite 114

Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015

Tel: 215-400-4180

Fax: 215-400-4181

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