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The Return of Family Engagement Workshops

The FACE Office is excited to announce the return of our FREE, fun, informative family engagement workshops! This month, we heard from Cari Cantor, Director of Federal Programs at the District, about Title I funds and how they can be used at schools.

Ms. Cantor gave an overview of Title funds, including how Title I funds are allocated to schools, the responsibilities that schools and the District have in relation to Title funds, and what Title I Parent Involvement funds are and can be used for.

She asked family members in the audience to brainstorm and share out ways that they'd like to see Title I Parent Involvement funds used at their schools. Some examples included:

  • Holding ESOL classes for parents

  • Hosting "homework help" workshops for parents

  • Bringing in speakers to talk about parenting skills

  • Hiring a Community Relations Liaison

At the end of the presentation, the FACE Office gave away several prizes, including books, mugs, to see Disney on Ice!!!

The first Family Engagement Workshop was success, with over 100 people in attendance at the morning and evening sessions.

The next Family Engagement Workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 25, 2017. Sessions will be held at 440 North Broad, happening at both 10:00am & 5:00pm.

You won't want to miss this session! We'll be learning about how to effectively use your voice as a parent/family member and advocate for your child. And...prizes will be given away again! This time, we'll be raffling off tickets to Barnum & Bailey Circus! Refreshments & childcare will be provided.

As always, registration is appreciated so that we can plan for food and materials! Register online at or by calling 215-400-6011 or emailing

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Office of Family and Community Engagement

The School District of Philadelphia

440 N. Broad St., Suite 114

Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015

Tel: 215-400-4180

Fax: 215-400-4181

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