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A Student Responds to the 2016 Election

Who says elementary and middle school students aren't politically aware?

In the aftermath of the 2016 election, a student at Blaine Academics Plus School wrote the following reflection on the president-elect:

Essay Transcript

"Welcome to The State of freedom."

I saw that today written by a 1st grader. I'm worried that we might not say that ever again. I'm worried that our generation is doomed because of one man who could do so much.

Donald Trump.

The name scares me. In my opinion, some people don't understand how important the election is and can be. The election can tell us who's running our "free state" for the next 4 years and let's hope it's not going to be 8 years.

I'm a 14 year old African-American female. In Trump's eyes, there's so many things wrong with that.

Donald Trump has said so many things about women, about all races (but white), which is so sad. I think the only person he thinks about is himself.

In conclusion, Trump is horrible and needs to be like Richard Nixon and RESIGN.

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